Left: EMT Rachelle Alexander, amazingly drove the Medic to Johns Hopkins from Towson in only 8 1/2 minutes. Center: PM/FF Brian Neville attended to Dominic en route to Johns Hopkins. Right: Capt. Steve Adelsberger was the First to arrive on scene, relieving Eric Rasmussen and Irene Solesky who provided initial first aid. Dominic got a chance to visit the heroes of station 11 on 9/11/07, 5 months after the incident. Dominic is wearing the Baltimore County Fire Dept tee shirt they gave him as a gift from Station 11. He also received the company patch.

Here Dominic is donned in Turn out gear and gets to direct the pipe, backed up by FADO Shelley Burnett.

Pizza Time Station 11 treated us to pizza and Ice cream during our visit. Shown here are Dominic bottom left, challenging Brian Neville, center, to a hot pepper eating contest. Also pictured, Demetrios Solesky, Dominic’s older brother, and Rachelle Alexander along with the firefighters of station 11. seated, FADO Walter Brewer,III, standing, FADO Shelley Burnett and detailed to station 11 FF/EMT Garth Dales

Shooting the breeze Shooting the breeze Seated at left Captain Gilbert Fowble, Dominic and Fado Walter Brewer, lll swap stories

A fallen hero A fallen hero Sadly, Brian Neville, husband and father of three, whose expert training played a key role in saving Dominic’s life, passed away only 13 months after our visit to Station 11. He will forever be remembered and missed by us all.